The Society of Friends of the Great Stables
Bring the Great Stables to life and create the most beautiful horse museum there!
Bring the Great Stables to life and create the most beautiful horse museum!
Bring together and mobilize horse lovers and admirers of the Grandes Écuries de Chantilly site to:
- Promote the appeal of the unique Grandes Écuries site through exhibitions, conferences, symposia, shows and events related to horses
- Expand and enrich the museum's themes and collections by strengthening the educational and technological dimensions. Thus contributing to the creation and animation of the most beautiful Horse museum in the world!
Our association was born in October 2022.
Come help us make it grow and prosper.
The constitutive General Assembly of the Society of Friends was held on September 10, 2022. Its statutes were approved by a vote of the 60 people and personalities present or represented at the Assembly. The General Assembly elected 4 honorary members, a Board of Directors of 12 members. The latter chose an office made up of 4 members. For more details see our Governance.